Free promotion? Yes, please!

List your Fishing Business on Castbooker completely FREE, no strings attached.

Have the option to sell tickets, memberships and experiences online and generate additional revenue too.

Simple, no risk pricing to help you grow

Add a Listing

  • List your fishing venue, club, business, events, matches and experiences on Castbooker
  • Create your online presence and be easy to find
  • Option to generate additional revenue via your listing pages
  • Verified customer reviews
  • for all listing types

Sell Tickets

£ 0.50
per ticket
  • + card processing fees (2.4% + 20p)

Sell Memberships

£ 1.50
per member
  • + card processing fees (2.4% + 20p)

Zero Setup Costs, No Hidden Fees and No Contracts

The only time you’ll pay us a fee is when you sell a ticket, membership or experience. And with the ability to pass these fees on to the anglers, that means zero risk for you.

We don’t just pocket those fees, either. Instead, we re-invest them right back into developing even more digital tools and marketing to help promote your venue and the wider sport of Fishing.​


Most frequent questions and answers

Nothing. It is completely free to add your listing.

The only cost you might incur is if you opt-in to sell tickets, memberships or experiences via your pages. 

Yes- absolutely. It is free to add your venue and selling tickets or membership is optional.

Yes, you can pass all fees (including card processing fees) on to your customers and members. These will be collected automatically at the time of purchase.

Adding a listing is completely free.

There are no hidden fees to sell tickets, memberships or bookings on Castbooker either. There is no charge on free tickets. For paid tickets & memberships, there is a service fee and payment processing fee that apply to the price of the ticket/membership. You have the option to either absorb the fees or pass them on to your customers.

The card processing fee is 2.4% + 20p per transaction. 

No, there is no upfront or ongoing cost and no contract either.

Adding your listing is free and you will only be charged for selling tickets & memberships when you sell them (you must opt-in too)